In New York City teenagers and adults wake up early in the morning or right after school to go workout.
When it comes to choosing a gym NYC does not have a lot of affordable options. The most common gyms in NYC are blink and Planet fitness. Factors such as the cost, the atmosphere in the gym, the state of the weights and machines.
Cost and membership options
Planet fitness and Blink are known to be the most affordable in NYC currently. Planet Fitness starts at around $10 per month for access to just one gym and a variety of machines. Now If you want more access to multiple locations and a special lounge after your workout to relax, Planet fitness offers the black card membership. Allowing you to access any location and their Black card lounge with massaging chairs, tanning machine, discounts on drinks, and If you have a buddy you can bring them along with the option of bringing a guest. On the planet fitness website “ Welcome to Planet Fitness. The Judgement Free Zone” the judgment free zone, one of the mottos of planet fitness to bring a more safe atmosphere while working out. One other perk is that planet fitness offers a free 2 months membership to any high school student during summer also known as the summer pass. One student at WP (whose name does not want to be included) said, “In my opinion planet fitness and blink are at the same level but I really enjoy working out at planet fitness during the summer because of the variety of machines and the environment and also the free 2 months.”
In Blink, they offer a similar membership price around $15 per month for the normal membership and access to one location. Pay 20$ and you get access to all locations and discounts for training sessions with verified trainers at blink. Now Blink offers a variety of machines and has one thing that Planet fitness doesn’t and that being free bar machines. Blink offers free bar bench press, free bar squat racks, and free bars around the gym and the reason behind this is that Planet fitness really looks out for the members safety and instead includes smith machines which are bars that are supported by a hook which gives you more safety.
Overall both gyms offer pretty good offers. Both care about being able to enjoy a gym with affordable prices and safety but planet fitness offers more perks when upgraded to a higher membership and simply Blink does not offer that much with an upgrade. Angel Pacheco stated “ Planet fitness is fun but blink sets you more free with free bars and everything. Only downside of Blink is the maintenance of machines. They are almost all broken.”It’s simply the public’s choice both gyms offer pretty solid prices and machines.