AP exams are over! Many students have been studying hard and long. AP exams lasted from May 6th to May 17th. According to students, this was very stressful time for them, especially sophomores and juniors.
But what are AP exams?
According to the College Board website, they describe the exams as, “…standardized exams designed to measure how well you’ve mastered the content and skills of a specific AP course. Most AP courses have an end-of-year exam.” They are graded out of 5, 3 being the passing score. Passing the exam gives you college credit (6), meaning you don’t have to take that specific class in college. For example, if you pass the AP Calculus exam, you may not have to take that class in college.
Joshua Lopez, a junior here at WP, not only had to take the AP United States History, AP Environmental Science, and AP Language exams but also the SAT exam on April 3rd. He says, “After winter break I started studying for 5 different exams. Trying to cram everything plus school was hell on earth. Stayed up for hours and sometimes I didn’t have time to eat dinner.” If he had to pick, he says the easiest exam was AP Environmental Science because most of it was common knowledge, while the hardest was AP Language because you had to manage your time well.
Rachel Guerra, a sophomore at WP, had her first taste of AP exams. According to Guerra, when asked about her first impressions, she says, “Honestly it wasn’t as bad as I thought, considering it’s my first year taking them but they were pretty chill. I feel like teachers prepared me well for it over the year. The only annoying thing was waking up at like 5 since the test was at 8.” She took AP Human Geography and AP Environmental Science.
In her opinion, AP Human Geography was the easiest because she felt that it was common sense for most of the exam. The hardest for her was AP Environmental Science due to the calculations and the FRQ section.
Another sophomore, Anairis Valero, had no AP exams.
When asked about how she feels about not having any but knowing that she will have them next year, she states, “It feels good not having any AP classes, yet I’m a little worried and stressed about next year because I know they are hard exams and they are hard classes.”
Results for the AP exams come out in July. Good luck to you all!